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    Gebengive)/es gibtthere is/are) nehmentake)/er nimmthe takes) In this lesson you'll Serviciul de Informaţii ExterneSIE) Punem ţara înainte de orice, datoria înainte de propria persoană, suntem mândri ştiind că tot ceea ce facem este Sie , SIE may refer to: People. Donald-Olivier Siéborn 1970), voice actor; John J., footballer; James Sieborn 1962) Sie, businessman; Peter Sie1929–2011 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Press release, PlayStation product , Corporate , Recruit information. Jun 07, 2017 2011 May 19, Non-Binary Gender Variant, page 7: Sie may feel thatService Employees International Union., Ken Wickham, The Other Genders: Androgyne, Genderqueer, CreateSpace, ISBN

    Paid for by SEIU COPE, candidate's committee., Not authorized by any candidate Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. Page description: The verb nehmen is irregular in the present tense.